10 Tips for Choosing Baby’s Name
Choosing a name for your baby is one of the more pleasurable tasks of becoming a parent. As you and hubby comb through books and websites, here’s a checklist to narrow it down: 1. How will the name sound with...
Choosing a name for your baby is one of the more pleasurable tasks of becoming a parent. As you and hubby comb through books and websites, here’s a checklist to narrow it down: 1. How will the name sound with...
You’ve probably been given all sorts of advice from well-meaning relatives and friends, some of them steeped in superstitions. Here are 10 pregnancy taboos from the Chinese, Malay and Indian communities that you may or may not have heard! 1....
It can be tough listening to a crying baby. Take a deep breath – and check out these common causes for baby’s cries and how to manage them. 1. I’m Crying Because I Feel Uncomfortable Recommendations -Change diaper if it is...
You are almost there. Get ready to welcome your little one into the world. Week 27 Your baby may be able to recognise both yours and your husband’s voices. Nice to know as you both coo at him and sing...
Your baby’s body is growing rapidly, but in a calmer way. Week 15 Your darling is the size of an apple and looks more like the baby of your dreams. Week 16 Tiny bones in his ears are in place,...
The first trimester is a period of rapid growth for baby. Be amazed as you follow his development, week-by-week. Week One and Two Your body is gearing itself for ovulation and preparing for fertilisation. Week Three Pregnancy happens this week...
While you are pregnant, you will be asked if you want to bank your baby’s cord blood. Here’s some information to help you make your decision: What is cord blood? It is the blood from your newborn’s umbilical cord. Why...
Most infants get diaper rash at least once in the first year of their life. While it may not be possible to prevent it occurrence completely, there are ways to minimise it. Here are tips for preventing and treating it:...
Here are some breastfeeding accessories to help you with breastfeeding. 1. Breast pumps Used to establish and maintain milk supply, and clear blocked ducts. Available as manual, battery-operated and electric pumps. Needed when: -Breasts are engorged -Baby can’t breastfeed because...