Back to School
It’s time to go back to school! Though not compulsory, antenatal classes are useful, especially for first-time mothers as they help prepare you for labour, birth and the first few frantic days of parenthood. You can even bring hubby along so he feels more involved with you and the baby during your pregnancy.
If your doctor is based in a maternity hospital, check with him or her to see if they run classes or ask for a recommendation. If you’re picking one yourself, check that the teacher has been properly trained.
The content of the courses may differ slightly but generally they should cover the following:
- Information about the process of labour and childbirth. What typically happens in Singapore hospitals and how to prepare yourself.
- An explanation of medical procedures and interventions, including cord blood banking.
- An overview of a Caesarean section and what will happen if you need to deliver your baby this way
- The latest research suggestions about possible physical preparations for labour and childbirth.
- Advice on relaxation and stress management techniques.
- The opportunity to learn about and experiment with different birth positions.
- A guide to pain relief choices.
- The chance to learn and try out massage skills and breathing techniques.
- An opportunity to ask questions and consider the possible decisions you may have to make during the course of your labour.
- Breastfeeding advice and practical tips on caring for your newborn baby.
*An insight into the way in which your life may change after baby is born (hint: it will change!)
Most antenatal classes start around eight to 10 weeks before your baby is due but book early for the classes as the popular ones get filled up fast.
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