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Baby on Board

Baby on Board

Longing to take a break before baby arrives, but wondering if it’s safe to do so? Travel is not out of the question with baby in utero – in fact, it’s probably easier to fly with him at this stage than it will be a year from now -- but do take precautions to ensure both yours and baby’s safety.

Travel Safety Tips:

  • The second trimester is the best time to fly. You’ll most likely have gotten past the morning sickness, exhaustion and mood swings. And your belly has not become so large that manouevring yourself is a pain, let alone your luggage. 
  • Travel during the last six weeks of pregnancy should be avoided especially if you have had any health concerns during pregnancy.
  • Get the go-ahead from your doctor before you make travel plans.
  • Avoid high altitudes, areas that have frequent outbreaks of infectious diseases, or areas with poor hygiene and problems of contaminated water 
  • Pregnant women are at risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) in which one or more blood clots form in the large, deep veins of the legs. Long flights that require you to remain seated for long periods, dehydration and low humidity in the aircraft are additional factors for DVT. Ask for an aisle seat so you can carefully walk around and move your legs, feet and toes to improve blood circulation. Wear well-fitted compression stockings.
  • If you’re on a long road trip, take as many toilet breaks as you need to.
  • Find out the medical facilities in the area you’re planning to go to
  • Check your airline’s policy before booking your ticket. Most airlines allow mums-to-be to fly only until the 36th week of gestation due to the possibility of premature labour. Most airlines would require a letter from your doctor on whether you can undertake travel safely. 
  • Seek your doctor’s advice about vaccinations before you travel. Avoid vaccines in the first three months of pregnancy, and ‘live’ vaccines (which carry a small risk of transmitting a disease to the foetus) throughout the pregnancy.
  • Check with your insurer about buying medical insurance to cover yourself for accidents or unexpected illnesses.
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