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Bodily Changes In 1st Trimester

Bodily Changes In 1st Trimester

Pregnancy is a time of great joy but it can also be strange and bewildering. Your body is undergoing tremendous changes during your first trimester although you won’t look very different at this stage.

Here’s your guide to the symptoms you may experience:

Touch Me Not
Are your breasts and nipples feeling tender? This is quite common, especially from weeks 4 to 7. On top of that, your breasts will start growing – all in preparation for feeding your little one of course. Don’t be astonished if they go up several cup sizes! They will continue to change throughout your pregnancy. Your nipples will darken and a complex network of enlarged blue veins may appear on the surface of your bosom.

Hip, Hip Hurray
Larger hips and buttocks are par for the course as your body adds layers of fat to these areas to protect the foetus.

Frequent Urination
Running to the bathroom every so often? This is common as your growing uterus presses on your bladder and pregnancy hormone hCG increases blood flow to your kidneys which are also working harder to flush wastes out of your body. Don’t forget, you’re now peeing for two.

An increase in progesterone as well as your growing uterus can make you irregular. Those prenatal iron supplements you’re dutifully popping also add to the problem – but don’t stop taking them. Gradually include high-fibre food in your diet to move things along.

That Queasy Feeling
Morning sickness hits three out of four mums-to-be, typically around week 4 to 9 of pregnancy . It’s known as morning sickness, but can hit at any time of the day or night. An extra-sensitive sense of smell may cause aversion to certain foods and smells, yes, even your favourites.

Feeling Dizzy
You may be surprised to find yourself feeling disoriented and light-headed. Lowered blood pressure due to hormonal changes is a primary cause. Stop a dizzy spell in its tracks by lying down and elevating your feet or sitting down and placing your head between your knees. Avoid hot, stuffy spaces as much as possible and wearing tight-fitting clothes.

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