Feb 2014, my period came the flow is quite a lot but did not bother much as this is my first period after more than 1 year of breastfeeding. Mar 2014, period came but flow is still too much, decided to go see a gynae after this. May 2014, finally went to see a gynae after dragging my feet about it. The doctor did an ultra scan and mentioned that one of my ovaries is bigger than the other, ask me some questions.
I mentioned that I am trying for my third baby. He gave me some medication to 'regulate' the period. Went out to collect my medicines, the doctor called me in again to do a blood test as pregnancy can cause the ovary to swell as well.
3 days later, the doctor called and informed me that I am 4 weeks PREGNANT!! I have a shock of my life as I did not expect to be pregnant and luckily the doctor did ask me to take a blood test, I cannot imagine what will happen if I have taken the medicines.
Fast forward to Feb 2015: the day came that I am scheduled for my C-section. Even though this is my 3rd time, I am still full of nerves, excited to see my NB but scared at the same time. After being pushed into the operating room, all I can think of is, I am going to see my precious baby!
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